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Online Aptitude test for Hiring Receptionists


A receptionist at the front desk of any organisation; institution corporate office, bank, hotel or hospital marks the first impression about the organisation on every entrant’s (client, customer or candidate) mind. The role of receptionist requires specific personality and functional skills, in addition to attributes such as being friendly, displaying warmth and being confident.

Weightage of positive first impression for any kind of business cannot be denied. There is a wide range of skills which are necessary for a candidate to prove him/herself acceptable and exceptional for the role of receptionist.

AssessHub’s Online Aptitude Test is a simple recruitment test for assessing candidate’s worthiness for the crucial role of receptionist in the organisation.


Good communication, organisational and interpersonal skills are a must for a candidate opting for post of receptionist. These are judged by the recruitment tests. Apart from personality and administrative skills, Assesshub’s aptitude test aims to further explore logical, analytical, basic technical skills and computer awareness of the candidate.

Scores from these tests (overall and section wise) give you an insight of the candidate’s suitability for the role of receptionist in your organisation.


Interaction with an organisation’s receptionist plays a role equivalent to that of first impression and as the saying goes, it lasts forever.

Research shows that 80% of all businesses begin with a phone call, particularly when business prospects call to acquaint themselves better with your business. Your receptionist is involved in the first interaction, either on call or in person and this most likely determines the next course of action your prospects will take while dealing with your organisation.

A good receptionist is an enviable asset an organisation can have. Someone you can trust and depend on for your daily meetings, calls, projects, client information and near about all office and employee related information. Thus, getting hands on a good front desk officer is an important step while setting a successful company.

Knowing whether the person who takes up the front desk role at your office or organisation is the right fit for the job is a crucial decision and aptitude tests (for receptionists) make this first step much more easier for you.

Remember, ‘you might be the boss but you will never be the first one to meet your client, it is always your front desk officer/receptionist.’

Main Advantage:

You wouldn’t want to enter an organisation which does not have a receptionist! The statement marks the presence and importance of a front desk in every type and kind of workspace/model.  Receptionist or front desk officers handle information of all departments, all employees, all clients and much more. They ensure healthy and effective communication of information between all levels of employees from senior most to junior most.

Assesshub’s aptitude Test thus, emphasises on assessing personal and functional skills of potential candidates, you might be considering for the post of receptionist at your office. The test fulfils the purpose completely, by being an appropriately designed questionnaire to judge and score all different skills and abilities including an english language test  required in a receptionist.

Based on the score you can make a well-informed decision ‘to select’ or ‘not to select’ a candidate for this crucial role in your company.