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Online Aptitude Test for Hiring Teachers


Solomon Ortiz’s words echo profoundly in the hearts of the academia today, and capture the very essence of what is perhaps the most noble profession in the world – teachers. When he says “Education is the key to success in life, and teachers leave a lasting impact on the life of their students”, he is presenting how crucial a teacher’s role is in creating the doctors, engineers, researchers and scientists of the future. This is why if you are an educational institution, the value of your service is directly proportional to the quality of teachers which make up your staff, and it is imperative to hire the best available talent.

AssessHub has hence devised an online assessment test, which is aimed to assess the skills and prowess of a candidate for the job of a teacher in any domain of work.


AssessHub’s online aptitude test has been designed to explore the critical skills which a prospective candidate must possess, in order to do well on the job of a teacher in an educational institution. The teaching aptitude test forms the meat of this, where logical reasoning questions are asked to assess the aptitude level of the candidate. What this section also tests is the level of absorption which a candidate possesses and how well they are able to apply them into practice.

When you teach students today, you need to have an imaginative approach to teaching, in order to keep your lessons interactive and interesting. This is yet another area of assessment in this online test for teachers, and AssessHub’s aptitude test modules include scenarios driven questions which aim to assess the application side of these skills.


A recent study convened by The Guardian in the UK, found that almost 4 in every 10 teachers joining the industry quit within a year. This is partly because of the lack of skill sets when working in the industry, and partly because of the wrong expectations. This is why a sound assessment system needs to be in place within any organization or institute, to assess and hire only the best and most suited applicants for the job of a teacher.

Main advantage:

A distinctive new approach to the assessment of teachers is what AssessHub brings on the table in the form of this aptitude test. The revolutionary teacher assessment tool has been crafted after intense surveys of institutions, teachers and educational staff, aimed to have a dual benefit. On one hand, the testing system aims to clearly lay down the strengths and weaknesses of a prospective candidate against various skill headings, it also tells the hiring authorities where they can potentially place the hired candidates, for the best results.

The testing results of the skill assessment are presented in a very analysis friendly and elucidate way, which enables the hiring managers to choose the best academia out of these. This also helps to lay down a training plan for these hired teachers, with an adaptive approach – based upon each candidate’s specific needs.